• The Environmental Movement

    The Environmental Movement

    History of the Environmental Movement; As concern about the environment grew among scientists in the mid-1950s, they began to measure the Earth's carbon dioxide levels at Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii in 1958. Strata fff1c88 foto 3d cx 2j for mac. The modern environmental movement differed from an early form of environmentalism that flourished in the first decades of the twentieth century, usually called.

    Star Wars is not the only popular 1970s franchise that showed in 2015 it still has muscles to flex. The remarkable reawakening of the environmental movement –- which had also seen its biggest successes in the 1970s — might be the sleeper story of the year. While some had prematurely proclaimed the death of the environmental movement over a decade ago — and the 2010 collapse of the climate bill in the U.S. Senate certainly represented one of its lowest points in recent memory — now we see the movement achieving success after success in the climate and clean energy realm. Perhaps I should say we see the environmental movements achieving success after success, since there are really two different movements now — the insiders (like the Natural Resources Defense Council) and the outsiders (like Bill McKibben’s 350.org) — even if they have very similar goals. The movements’ recent successes include:. The first ever in which the overwhelming majority of big emitters — rich and poor — agreed to constrain CO2 emissions.

    The rehabilitation of the Clean Air Act as a central tool for cutting U.S. Carbon pollution (and for leveraging a breakthrough climate deal with China). A national effort to shut down the most carbon-intensive power plants, which is now spreading globally, driving us faster than anyone expected toward peak coal and a of economic growth from CO2 emissions.

    The rejection of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. The rapidly spreading effort to divest from the dirtiest forms of energy. The growing acceptance by the U.S. Public of both climate science and the need for climate action. The end of year U.S. To extend solar and wind tax credits for several years.

    The Environmental Movement Pdf

    Global realization that accelerated deployment of clean energy must be the centerpiece of any climate action strategy. Broad acceptance that 2°C is not a goal for total planetary warming, but a defense line we must stay as far below as possible, with 1.5°C as a preferred target. I’m not saying that the environmental movements (at home and abroad) are solely responsible for this remarkable list of accomplishments — the scientific community along with key politicians and business leaders around the globe deserve a great deal of credit, too. But precisely how many of these successes would have occurred without the push from environmentalists? “There’s finally a mass movement around climate change,” McKibben said in an email. “That doesn’t negate the fossil fuel industry’s financial might, but at least it provides some counter balance.

    The Environmental Movement Important Facts

    And the bigger we build that movement, the heavier that counterbalance will grow.” Certainly McKibben and groups like 350.org deserve an enormous amount of credit for revitalizing the kind of grass-roots “outside-the-DC-beltway” activism that made the original environmental movement so potent. While many criticized them for focusing on seemingly narrow targets of opportunity like Keystone and divestment, I have long believed that these type of mid-level actions (between replacing your lightbulbs and passing a U.S. Climate bill) would be instrumental for rebuilding a grassroots movement. And the willingness to push the envelope on what must be done has been equally instrumental in winning the battle of ideas. The Keystone and divestment battles were crucial to cementing the notion that we must leave most fossil fuels in the ground.

    The Sierra Club’s remarkably successful “” campaign was crucial to taking the fight against coal to the state and local levels. And the growing reality that investment in finding and deploying fossil fuels is ultimately a dead end has inevitably supported the that investing in deploying clean energy is the core strategy. I clicker app for mac.

    Powerful but simple organizing ideas matter, especially for the public arena, and even more so for sustainable movements. One of the central ideas of the new environmental push is that 2°C (3.6°F) total warming from preindustrial levels — associated with CO2 levels in the air of about 450 parts per million (ppm) — isn’t a “safe” level at all. Again, the science has become increasingly clear on this point, as I discussed. But the idea of limiting total warming to 1.5°C — and getting back to 350 ppm — was specifically embodied and advanced in the name team McKibben chose for their group, 350.org.

    The Environmental Movement